SQUIB: Vancouver

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

7.26.06 - 7.28.06

This shold be fun....see everybody (but meb and brendan) back in co.


Then we found out the moving truck had shown up, yay move in time.

We thought it would be fun to go to Victoria

So we drove to the ferry, but it was extremely expensive, so we parked and walked on. But then we found out Victoria was another hour from the port...what should we do...

Well we got to the port at Vancouver Island, and then we waited an hour and got back on the next ferry...

Then we started getting bored...

And sleepy...

And really really bored...

Birthday Dinner

7.24.06 - Brendan's B-DAY

We had to make signs.

And deceroate.

And we made sweet birthday hats!

First night and Brendan is already fixing stuff


Out and About on our way to Dinner

The Roof Deck

The front facade

(I can use facade because I graduated from architecture)

The front gate to Meb and Brendan's

The City

All the buildings on the outside of the city are apartments, lots and lots of apartment buildings.

Welcome to Vancouver. Rock on.

US or Canada?

Is that? I think it is the border!

A much needed wash for the truck

In the car on our way out of the US


Sunday, July 23, 2006


Seattle Public Library

the views from the ferry


Amy's and Brendan's turck's first ride on a ferry, yay.

Saturday, July 22, 2006

nice campsight

For our last night of camping we went to an island in the bay... but so did everybody else in Seattle. No Vacancy in the campgrounds, but we found a wonderful room at the Motel 8. And we cooked in the parking lot.


We are on the last leg and we hit traffic, it sucked. We then found out that it was a crash.

the series

Lake Cressent

This lake was very blue and clear, super cool.

this tree has bubbles

not too sure what this it but it is good timing

we are so cool

Coolness in the rainforest


So Washington has a big temperate rainforest, who knew? + 1 for Washington.


The beach might have sucked but we did find, count'em 1-2-3-4-5, sand dollars. word.

shitty washington beach

So there was a bunch of trash and cars on the first Washington beach we camped at. Kind of lame if you ask me.

Friday, July 21, 2006

Yes it is...

It was hot and we were in need of some hot eats and cool treats.... well at least the cool part. YEAH DQ!!!

Passing to WA

The bridge into Washington.


This was our second cozy campsight in Oregon

amy on the beach in Oregon


Pretty much all we did here was Starbucks and Pizza. I guess we also drove around some too.